Tuesday, 18 December 2012

What's the Point of Poinsettias?

Why is it that a plant that hates the cold, hates draughts, and really doesn't like to be wet is synonymous with Christmas? Oh and just for good measure it doesn't like direct sunlight either, and don't even mention snow! 
When you buy one you must always make sure it is wrapped before you take it home (in case of draughts, cold and wet), never put it on a window sill (in case of draughts, direct sunlight) and then watch it as all the leaves fall off from the bottom up until you have a pot of twigs with red tufts on the top!
And its worst crime - it won't actually completely die! Mid March it's still going, sticks, tufts etc, and if you're like me and don't like to throw away living plants you're stuck with it. I just don't get it!
The Christmas Rose (Helleborus Niger) is a much better option. You can have it in a pot for Christmas and then it can go out in the garden in pretty much any soil or position and be lovely next year as well. It's fine with wind, rain, snow and shade so is perfect for this time of year.
So I am starting a movement away from the poinsettia and towards  the Christmas Rose. Poinsettias may be red and green, but their festive appeal ends there, so here's to the best plant for Christmas - The Christmas Rose. And it's even got proper flowers!

Photos Google Images

Monday, 10 December 2012

Winter Woodland Walk

On a wintery afternoon Idless Woods was lovely shades of green and brown this weekend. The recent wet weather meant that the fungus, lichens and mosses were glorious, and the skeletons of summer plants showed silvery and lacy against the robust greens. There was a real lack of berries though, I spotted a grand total of three Holly berries, which might mean we need to think of something else for our Christmas decorations!

Monday, 3 December 2012

The 'C' word - Christmas!

Now we’re into December there’s no avoiding it. Slade and Wizard are ringing out, repeatedly, and the Christmas lists are growing by the second. So as a respite from present hunting and festive hysteria we thought we’d start to put together a list of what we at Daisy! would like in our stocking. So here are the first 5 things we thought of, and we’re starting big!

1. A Garden Holiday.
To come clean, I’ve already got this one. Thanks to my fab Mum, we will be visiting the Gardens of Florence for a week in May, Hurrah! I’ll keep you fully posted on what we find. There are lots of operators and variations, from the Cotswolds to the Canaries, so have a browse and get busy with the hints! A great place to look for holidays is no.2

2. A year subscription to Gardens Illustrated Magazine. 
Year round fantastic information, stunning inspiration and seasonal joy. Yes your garden can look like that(ish)! 

3. Tickets for The RHS Chelsea Flower Show. 
Next year is centenary year so it’s bound to be a good one! 

4. Gardening Courses at Eden. 
From 1hr to 10 week courses, there is something for every level of commitment, and every purse, all based in the lovely surroundings of Eden. 

5. Meadow by Barney Wilczak. 
A stunning book full of beautiful photographs based on a year in the life of a protected meadow known as Clattinger Farm in Wiltshire.