We at Daisy! had a lovely start to the weekend visiting the Bosvigo Gardens Hellebore Day. Held annually to raise money for charity, we strolled through the beautiful Woodland Walk gaining inspiration and ended up at the sales area full of a fantastic array of Hellebores. The Woodland Walk was full of Hellebores, Snowdrops, Crocus, Puschkinia and early Narcisi in drifts under the trees, and although it was cold and quite grey, it was lovely to see Spring so well underway.
The day was opened by the lovely Carol Klein, presenter of Gardeners World (and veg guru - see previous entry), who stayed around to chat and drink tea (see above).
We managed to leave with only three Hellebores between us, which we thought was very restrained, although we could easily have doubled that!
The Hellebores are all grown at Bosvigo and varied from darkest purple, through pinks to white, and on to yellow and green, with double and single flowers. Indeed every variation on a Hellebore that you could wish for was there, although by mid morning the supply was already much depleted. The experienced Hellebore Day veteran is there at 9.30am, opening time, for the best choice.
We loved our trip to Hellebore heaven and will certainly be visiting again later in the year to see what developes in the rest of the garden.
Bosvigo Gardens opens from March through to the end of September, Wednesday to Friday and is well worth a visit.
Check out their website for further information