Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Desperately trying to catch up!

Life has been so busy lately, travelling, school, work, family and friends, that I have neglected the blog and to some extent my garden. But plants wait for no-one and the garden has been forging ahead unfettered and looking stunning (if slightly unruly!). So here is a roundup of what has been good over the last month, some of it has already gone and been replaced by something else and some has just got better.

At the front

My beautiful Iris came and went in a cloud of pale purple loveliness

The Purple Sage, Heuchera and Geranium leaves were the perfect foil for the Allium Roseum

Swaying Aquilegia, Allium Purple Sensation and silvery Brunnera Jack Frost leaves against the dark Sambucus Nigra

Alliums Christophii, Linaria Canon Went and Erysimum Bowles Mauve jumble together and are doused in the scent of the Philadelphus.

Pale pink geranium has rather taken over now, the Heuchera is forcing it's way through.

My lovely Rose Ginger Snap has flowered and subsided already, although there are another flush of buds coming. The buds start flushed orange and sunrise-y...

...and fade to peachy deliciousness.

The Cotinus Grace, Sambucus racemosa and Ligularia foliage show beautifully against the Ivy, and the yellow spires of the Ligularia are still to come.

Honey Spurge, Sambucus Nigra and the random conifer I keep threatening to get rid of also make a great show of colour and texture. Hmmm, perhaps a stay of execution for the conifer?

And at the back

The courtyard is full of hot Geranuims, Osteospermum...

and fiery swaying Geums in the shade of the Olive tree.

And finally I have Californian Poppies!
It's only taken me nearly 2 years and 2 attempts!

But what a beauty!