It's November, mild I know, but next month is December, Christmas, shortest day and all that, so I never thought I would be doing a round up of what is flowering in my garden. And if I did I'd have expected it to be very brief, mainly focussing on colour provided by leaves, berries and seeds.
But no, not only have I got a fair selection of summer favourites still flowering but I also have some winter favourites flowering already! They are all very enthusiastic.

Summer purples are still going strong - clockwise from top left - Brachyscome, Convolvulus Sabatius (number 7 in my Feast of Flowers), Campanula, Osteospermum, Erysimum Bowles Mauve, Geranium Sanguineum.
More summer lovelies still going, Sunny Rudbeckia (Number 8 in my F of F) and an annual Chrysanthemum. To be honest the Chrysanthemum was distinctly underwhelming during its official flowering time, but now it has got itself together just in time to get frosted!!

The Autumn flowering Schizostylis Coccinea has done very well this year, it likes the damp and I've planted it in dryish areas so sometimes it is a bit scrawny and short lived, but this year it's gloriously fiery. Even one of my annual pot Geraniums is having a late flush! All the others are very much done and I'm cutting back and bringing them in for winter. This one is by the back door so we can make the most of it's flowers (and grab it should a sneaky frost appear!).