So a couple of hours later (see part one of our wreath making marathon here) after a lift and shift of greenery to my house, we were ready to go again!
You'll see that we were getting tired because my photography went seriously down-hill and eventually petered out completely (this had nothing to do with the mulled wine at all - it really didn't).
So another nine ladies and another nine Oasis rings and we were ready to go...
snipping and clipping...
some even wreathing through jet lag (you did great Sandi)...
with a little bit of sipping of the mulled stuff on the side!
Helpful advice...
and a bit of helping each other...
and what did we get...
Again, some of you managed to sneak off without having your picture taken, even more than earlier!!
(this might have been my attention wandering, or mild hysteria setting in)
Another stunning set of wreaths. All so lovely and all so different.
Thank you evening ladies for making it such fun and for wreathing so well! We couldn't have done any of it without you - you are all stars.
And another £45 raised for charity!
And now a week on and I've finally got round to doing my own wreaths, one for the front door and one for the back.
The front was done on one of the Oasis rings...
but the back door needs something lighter, it's a glass door and so you can see the back of the wreath and it swings about a bit because it has to hang on a longish ribbon...
so this one is based on a copper wire ring with ivy and ribbon threaded through, with a posy of lovely leftovers added.
I'm quite pleased with it but I'm not sure how it will last. Will the leaves curl and droop without water? - I'll let you know!
So the wreath making frenzy is over for another year and there are eighteen very well dressed doors in Truro and it's surrounds.
It's so lovely to be able to host such a happy event and facilitate such creativity. It gives us such a warm, happy feeling and seems to sum up the true spirit of the season.
We are both so grateful for the support of friends and family, and for the shared experience.
It's definitely the start of the Daisy duos Christmas and a very good start it is too!
Merry creative Christmas to you all.