Monday 7 January 2013

New Years Resolutions

It's that time of year again, time to make lists of things that didn't happen last year and should have, and things that did happen last year and shouldn't. This is where we are supposed to learn from experience and improve things in the future, so here goes with the Daisy! New Years Resolutions!

1. Composte the Poinsettias! (see post 18 December)

2. Plant the spring bulbs that are still sitting on the shelf trying desperately to shoot (the above Tete a Tete daffodils were a ready planted Christmas gift obviously!). This leads on to the previously mentioned wider resolution to plant the seeds/plants/bulbs that we buy promptly, before they have died/ rotted/dried out!

3. Avoid impulse buying of plants/bulbs/seeds. However beautiful or interesting it is, if it isn't suited to your garden or you don't have a space for it, it will just sit in the pot until it loses the will to live (see resolution 2), and that is just depressing.

4. When planting seeds, be they flower or vegetable, do it properly! Don't hurl seeds into old compost in a rush between the PTA meeting and swimming lessons, leave them on a draughty window sill and ignore them, and then wonder why they didn't show! Planting from seed is a great way to grow cheap and healthy plants but you need to put some time and effort into it, and it takes a bit of practice so do persevere.

5. Plan out the vegetable planting so that you have a succession of things to pick. Don't concentrate on summer harvesting things if you are going away on holiday and will miss the main crop. And only plant things that will get eaten! It took me 2 years to clear the freezer of the last harvest of broad beans, because I'm the only one who eats them!

6. Tidy the shed, sterilise pots and prepare seed compost. This leads on from 4 and appears on the list every year. Absolutely no chance of it happening this year either!

Now is that everything... any suggestions?

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