Wednesday 19 February 2014

Spring is coming!

Well, it's half term week here so the teens are happy, and I managed to get out into the garden TWO DAYS RUNNING last weekend which means I'm happy, and some of the garden is looking half way decent now. The green bin is bulging with prunings and clearings and newly discovered green shoots are everywhere. My weekly visit to the Farmers Market was rewarded with a display of lovely spring bulbs...

...which you will be amazed to hear that I managed to resist (I don't usually!). The Polyanthus was not so difficult but the Iris reticulata, Eranthis, Crocus, Cyclamen coum and Galanthus were all calling to me and begging to be taken home and given a newly tended spot. However, I could not push the seed list that I had on the go to the back of my mind - it was long and likely to be expensive so I resisted the instant gratification of spring colour for the longer term satisfaction of the seed sower!

And today I put in that seed order (three of them actually), a mixture of flowers and veg, I've ordered enough to keep me going for quite a while. I even managed to stick to the planned list apart from a random Dahlia - I couldn't resist it and I haven't grown Dahlias before so it's almost compulsory research really! It's a Dahlia 'Rip City'- deep, dark red and shaggy, it will sit well in my hot courtyard garden (I hope). I will monitor it's progress and report back. 

I ordered my seeds from Suttons, Thompson and Morgan and Sarah Raven, all of which offer a good range of ornamentals, vegetables, and hardware. Sarah Raven offers very beautiful mixtures of colours, and specialises in flowers for cutting in particular, although I think their p+p charges are quite high. Suttons and Thompson and Morgan have enormous ranges of pretty much everything, although less of the more unusual plants, and everything is always reliable and dependable from them.

And so on to the next harbinger of Spring - this Saturday is the Bosvigo Hellebore Day

This is a Bosvigo Double that I bought last year

Regular readers will remember that this is a yearly event in Truro and much loved by those in the know. We all trip along to gaze at the beautiful spring woodland garden and then buy Hellebores, safe in the knowledge that it's all for charity so we are not just selfishly buying plants again (at least that's what I tell my Hubby - he seems either convinced, or too jaded to argue any more!)
Last year it was the highpoint of early spring, an inspiration in the gloom. This year I have my camera charged and my wish list written already (including an order from my Mum).

I can't wait - roll on Saturday - hope to see you there!

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