Sunday 21 September 2014

Memories of a wonderful summer weekend

Early in the summer we had a National Trust weekend. Friday saw us meandering around the Trelissick Gardens and eating ice cream (Callistick lemon Curd - yum!) and Sunday saw us fascinated by Lanhydrock House and eating ice cream (Callistick honeycomb - yum again!).

Trelissick was a trip for my Mum, glamorous eldest and me, so a girls afternoon.

As we came out of the entrance building the first thing we were greeted by was a very gnarly and heavily trained Rose with very showy flowers that I almost mistook for a cistus.


It had strange buds again reminiscent of a Cistus...

 ... but very Rose like hips and was labeled Rosa Bracteata. It was gorgeous with it's flowers as big as my palm gleaming in the sun.

We visited the house which has only recently been opened to the public.

and has a lovely orangery.

and a room with great views and armchairs, maps and binoculars - what a good idea!

But the star of the visit were the Hydrangeas... all hues of blue (and conveniently matching Glamorous Eldest)...

and gorgeous faded variations.

From more unusual delicate, lace cap, starry flower forms... the most common of mop headed blue.

My favourite was this one - Hydrangea Serrata 'Miyama Yae-Murasaki' (guessing it originates from Japan). With it's beautiful colour variations and layered petals it was stunning!

Fiery Crocosmia in the sun is always beautiful and...

The views were to die for!

On Saturday we headed off to Lanhydrock which was an outing for the whole family and didn't disappoint either. 
The house was fascinating and intrigued even the teens (although not for too long obviously!) 

Dining room... of about 10 kitchen rooms

...and estate offices as well as sitting rooms, games rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms, galleries, attics, servants quarters - the list goes on, even the youngsters had to stop for a rest!

There is so much to see, with more than 50 rooms all beautifully furnished and dressed. And outside the rolling park is beautiful too with very impressive, enormous and fiercely clipped topiary,

and some gorgeous bronze urns filled with bronzy Sedum.

In fact the indoor and outdoor complimented each other perfectly.

There was so much we didn't see, we will definitely be returning sometime soon to see more of the gardens, the woodland walks and the river.

And as an added bonus there was a little land train to take us back to the car when we were tired out on the way back! (and who would have guessed that cool teens would still get overexcited about a ride on a mini train, wonders never cease!!!)

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