Tuesday 27 February 2018

They're not Hellebore-ing...

...they're Hellebor-illiant!
I may have detected a level of sarcasm in this sentence, uttered as it was by a teen hitherto unimpressed by my favourite winter bloom! Glamorous Eldest was persuaded to accompany me to the Bosvigo Hellebore Day this year, bribed by the promise of cake, in the absence of my Daisy partner who had  jaunted off out of county! 
(I have abandonment issues apparently - wish Glamorous Eldest wasn't studying psychology sometimes)


Back to the real subject - Hellebore Day

It was a cold, cold crisp day, dry and with occasional splashes of sun. Once parked and donation to Shelterbox made (check out their good work here) we ventured into the Woodland garden.

First obviously, there were the Hellebores...



and yellows.

Then there were Snowdrops...

I'm no Galanthophile but there seemed to be lots of different types...

and underplanted with Pushkinia.

Then there was the blossom...


more Hamamelis...

Winter Honeysuckle or Lonicera fragrantisima...

and Almond.

Hamamelis, Leucojum and Daffodils


Epimedium and Hellebores in a splash of sun.

Drifts of loveliness.

Pushkinia, Daffodils and Daphne.

Sadly in the biting cold the fragrance of the Hamamelis and this Daphne was absent, even when the sun came out.

And then there was the sale area.
Surprisingly, just after lunch there were still some plants left. In past years unless you are queueing at 9.30 there is little left.

I was very taken by this one...

it was upright and tall, very tempting, but I resisted.

I spent my money instead on tea and cake by the roaring fire in the servants hall.
The perfect place to warm up. 

Glamorous eldest supported my decision!


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