Monday, 29 April 2013

National Garden Scheme - Polgwynne opening

Yesterday we made our first foray out to a NGS garden - Polgwynne in Feock. Owned and maintained by Amanda and Graham Piercy, it's a lovely garden in the process of being renovated. There were beautiful banks teeming with primroses, woodland areas, cutting beds, a pottager and fruit garden, as well as more formal lawns and borders, all overlooking the sea. I particularly liked the water garden and the rills and ponds that meandered over the lawns and around the beds.
The plants that stole the show have to be the primroses, busying themselves everywhere and flowering fit to bust. There were also gorgeous aoniums and house leeks, fantastic (and very varied) euphorbias, beautifully fuzzy myrtle and a very interesting water lily. The supporting cast of rhododendrons and azaleas, bluebells and periwinkles created a rich tapestry of colour and texture, despite the recent weather and belated spring. There was a spectacular, and obviously ancient wisteria which will be a show stopper in a couple of weeks and glorious angelica about to burst into bloom. 

And there were some mysteries, can anyone identify the beautiful yellow stars of the centre top pic?

A great afternoon gaining inspiration, (and the odd purchase in the plant sales greenhouse - obviously!) nosing about and drinking tea.

And the cake specialist says that was good too!

For more National Garden Scheme open gardens in the Truro area please click here:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you to Amanda for identifying the mystery plant from her lovely garden, it's a Corokia virgata cotoneaster.
