Thursday 25 April 2013

Tulip confusion!

Last September I made my yearly trip to lovely Fentongollan Bulb Farm to get my spring bulbs. I particularly wanted some bulbs for the pots either side of my front door, which already contain standard bay trees. My bay trees are not very tall, and I was looking for something about 6 inches tall, to avoid things looking out of proportion. 

Now I do like a Tulip, and was very pleased to find Calgary, a classic white tulip that only grows to 8 inches - which would fit nicely, and could be underplanted with Pulchella Persian Pearl, a vibrant pinky red tulip that grows to 5 inches. According to the blurb the Persian Pearl would flower early in March/April and be followed by the Calgary in April/May.

That was the theory, this is what I've got!

The reality is that the Calgary are already in full flower but have only reached about 4 inches high, the Persian Pearl show no signs of flowering but the leaves are about 7 inches high! I know the weather has been cold/wet/horrid and that everything is late, but this seems totally mixed up. The Calgarys are early, and decidedly stunted!

Perhaps my pots have their own weird micro-climate or are in a parallel universe? 

I shall persevere - the flowers I have are lovely, if closer to the ground than expected, and who knows - maybe the Persian Pearls will show up soon!

Web link - Fentongollan Farm

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