Saturday 10 May 2014

17 and 18, an injection of colour!

It's been a while since I added to the 'Flowering in my garden' strand, it's been a difficult couple of weeks but it's time to get back to normality and push on forwards. So it seemed apt to introduce something loud and jolly. 
Number 17 on my list - Tulips - don't have to be loud, they can be very tasteful and discreet. Mine aren't! Mine are mad and over the top. You may remember them from my Easter post, I was so pleased they had done well, and they are still going strong!

They are Flaming Parrot and came from Fentongollan Bulb Farm last year.

My success with these reminded me that I do also have some discreet white ones in the front too so off I went to find them. They have done very well this year too, looking serene and classical. They are   Calgary and also came from Fentongollan, planted 2 years ago, but unfortunately the wind has been strong today and when I sallied forth with my camera there was not a petal to be seen!

And then I got an email from my Mum with this offering from her garden:

They are from Sarah Raven, called Chato, and I think they are totally fab (the white ones on the left are pretty lovely too!).

Which got me thinking - I need more tulips in my life! I was rather put off when we lived in London when I planted lots of them and watched the squirrels chew the buds off each spring! EVERY BUD, EVERY YEAR! I might have got one flower per year, but never more than that. However that was then and this is now - think positive and start making a list - I'd love some Chato, some black or very dark ones and some more parrot tulips, roll on August and the Fentongollan catalogue!

The other burst of colour which is new to my garden but has impressed me with it's enthusiasm is Number 18 Geum. This is 'Mrs Bradshaw' which was the start point for my hot pots (not in a northern meat stew sense, but in a hot colour scheme in pots sense!) in the back terraced garden.

There are lovely arching stems coming from a burst of green feathery leaves, with clusters of green buds that open to reveal...

bright crumpled petals that spread to reveal...

a golden centre.

It seems to like it's new home so I think I will try and find it a companion! They are available in all shades of yellow, orange and red. It will also compliment my dark random dahlia (Rip City) if it ever gets higher than 1cm!

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