Monday 21 July 2014

Not to complain about the hot weather but...

Over the weekend the south of the country was hit by mad rain and spectacular thunderstorms. There were lightening strikes and flash floods, but in Truro we had a couple of light showers that dried almost before they had hit the ground. The garden was momentarily freshened and the rain settled beautifully adding another beautiful dimension to the plants.

 Melianthus major with strings of water beads

Alchemilla Mollis with it's frosting of droplets

Water drops magnifying the structure of Libertia leaves.

It's all gone now and the garden is dry as a bone once more. I love hot sunny weather and can't bear the idea of complaining, but my garden isn't so keen and is starting to look a little jaded. 
We are on metered water, so the hose pipe is off limits and the water butts are empty and now rigged up to the shower out pipe via a Heath Robinson masterpiece patented by my husband. 
Soap is rationed (very happy teenage boy, in fact he's selflessly offered to use no soap at all!) and the garden is clean as a whistle, including the weeds!

How about it rains steadily during the hours of darkness for a couple of nights?
Pretty please? Then I might be able to avoid contracting waterers elbow/wrist/back!


  1. Gorgeous pictures Emily.
    Guess who has been dragging root balls up the hill in this weather? We had a couple of hours of torrential rain over the weekend, during which we got soaked to the skin, but now you wouldn't notice it had been.

    1. I have a whole load of new things waiting to be planted and I'm now in a quandary, is it better for them to dry out in pots or dry out in the ground? Happy root ball dragging - we gardeners have such glamorous lives!!
