Sunday 20 October 2013

Lovely snack (for a Borrower)!

So yesterday was a very productive day in the garden. The Flaming Parrot Tulips are in, as are the Ixiolirion (see post). The fading Ipomeas have gone along with the disappointing sweet peas ( I've had it with sweet peas - I am now officially giving up on them!)

And in the veg bed the Cobra French Beans have gone after an amazingly productive year, the Calabrese (broccoli) have gone (enormous plants, low yield, I wouldn't recommend it for those with limited space like me) and I decided to lift my carrots. 

Now I'll admit that the carrots were planted late, because of the cold spring the onions and garlic ran late and they were in the allotted carrot space. So they were finally sown in early July and I wasn't expecting them to be ready before autumn, but they seem to have done nothing since about mid August, so I decided that harvest time was now.
I wasn't expecting much but.....

...and those were the largest ones which makes it even worse when you see the next shot with 
the scaler in!

Yes that's a 1p!

And as if Borrower (tiny 3inch high people who live under the floor boards - it's a book, not just my insanity) size carrots wasn't insult enough, they were meant to be Purple Haze! As the name suggests - that means they should have been purple, although you could argue that they are so small they just create a sort of carroty haze rather than any edible carrots, so half of the name is spot on.

Last years carrots were a real success, but this year they were a total waste of space. However, I will persevere for another season with Purple Haze, but I might also sow some orange and yellow mix, like I did last year. That way I might just get the odd carrot that's human size!

Right, now all I have to do is plant the overwintering onions and garlic in my newly cleared bed, re-organise the sunny border, dig over and re-stock the shady bed, finish sowing next years perennials, ponder whether a pond is an option, plant bulbs......

Hope you had a good gardening Sunday!

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