Saturday 22 November 2014

Autumn Colours in the garden

There are some amazing colours in my garden at the moment and in a bright moment in between the showers (or massive downpours) I dashed out to record them so I could share them.

The birds favourite - berries

Seedheads, already full of promise for next year.

Beautiful browns and textures

The stars of autumn - leaves - but they are disappearing fast.

Moments after I came back indoors the rain was falling again. 

Autumn is always beautiful to look at but often not so good to be out in!


  1. I hope it's not another grey and wet winter, I don't think I could bear it.
    What is the plant bottom left with what looks like newly emerging orange leaves?

    1. Bottom left is a Cotinus planted last year. It's doing really well but it does seem to be shooting rather than dropping it's leaves as it should be. Hopefully it won't get hit by frost and be set back again. Grey and wet would indeed be depressing but now I'm worrying about frosts and blizzards. More exciting but more damaging to the garden!
