Friday 23 January 2015

Frost - it's grrrreat!

We don't get as much frost in Cornwall as the rest of you so when it happens it's quite an event. It's been really cold this week and the car has needed de-icing but the last couple of mornings were the first that saw the garden furred with frost and twinkling in the freezing sun. So out I dashed to record it.

On the lawn... (although you'll notice an awful lot of moss and creeping potentilla and not a lot of grass, so I'm not sure it qualifies!)

...and in the beds.

There were also signs of spring in a sheltered corner...

and now signs of me and my big boots!


  1. Crikey, it must have been cold if even you've had frost!

    1. Indeed! Shivering as I type and the surf boards are mothballed indefinitely!
