Wednesday 6 November 2013

All change please!

This was the bottom of my garden:

You might note the lack of any plants growing under the trees. This is due to the multi-stemmed Myrtle in the centre of the shot. The shade it cast was not the problem, but it sucked all the moisture from yards around and you had to chisel away at the roots to even fit a tiny plant in - and they never survived however much I watered. I've tried everything, Pachysandra, Acanthus, Ferns, endless bulbs,  even the weeds don't do well, so I decided it had to go! 
Now this wasn't an easy decision. There is quite a lot of road at the end of my garden, which is home to quite a lot of cars, lorries (as you can see) and more than the odd tractor at times, and the Myrtle was very good at screening that out. I am also not a fan of getting rid of mature trees, so I have spent 5 years trying to control it and work round it, but the time had come for action! So….

…it's gone! 
Now I can see your face - is that really an improvement I can hear you mutter, and at the moment frankly, no it isn't!
We can certainly enjoy our road (and traffic) more fully, have gained a lovely street lamp slap bang centre, can wave to our neighbours endlessly and will probably be digging roots out for the next 5 yrs, so an improvement to the garden it is not - YET!
However, I have great plans, which I will be sharing with you, and a pile of lovely things to go in to the newly light and airy bed, some of which are queuing up to be planted:

In time they will grow to hide the road (still working on the street lamp - suggestions welcome!) and provide a lovely, varied and interesting screen. Well, that's what I'm telling myself anyway, it's too late to try and reassemble the Myrtle now, however much we might want to!

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